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Why Active Shooter Insurance is Important

Active shooter/workplace violence insurance programs vary, but whichever policy you choose, it’s important to remember these policies represent more than just an extra budget item. The vital detail to keep in mind is that standard business liability coverage doesn’t provide adequate coverage for active shooter/workplace violence attacks. Many policies were created before the mass shooting surge and may exclude gun-related violence.

An active shooter/workplace violence incident presents extreme risks and costs to businesses and victims, including legal fees, judgments, settlements, and medical care. Over the past decade, unprotected companies and organizations have been left exposed after their policies did not provide the protection needed for the aftermath of an active shooter/workplace violence incident.

Below is a reminder of why active shooter insurance is so important today, what it covers, and how you can acquire it. 

What does active shooter insurance cover?

Active shooter/workplace violence incidents can occur in any business or organization. Some are more vulnerable than others, but the variant of locations is extensive. To name a few, we’ve helped cover active shooter/workplace violence incidents at nursing homes, restaurants, and high schools. The one commonality in every active shooter/workplace violence incident is the extreme urgency of response time.

Active shooter/workplace violence insurance is considered primary coverage. The policy kicks in immediately. Policy owners do not need to wait for other coverage to be exhausted before utilizing the benefits. Active shooter incidents are crisis events that require an immediate response. A swift response can save lives, reduce injuries, and even mitigate the severity of damage awards. 

  • Third-Party Liability – Active shooter coverage includes third party victims such as visitors, customers, or bystanders. A standard general liability policy might only cover an employer and employees.
  • Litigation Coverage — Some policies pay only the defense costs of a lawsuit. However, in an active shooter incident, individuals can be shot or maimed, which may produce six or seven-figure damage awards. It’s critical that coverage extends beyond just defense costs, and include damages and judgments.
  • Coverage Trigger Warning — Some policies can contain deductible-like casualty thresholds and may only provide coverage if the attack results in three or more casualties, and even limit coverage if casualty counts exceed 50. This leaves a significant gap in coverage if only one or two people die or suffer severe injuries, or if there’s a large-scale attack.
  • Crises Response Coverage — Businesses and organizations dealing with an active shooter emergency need skilled crisis response assistance. This includes the cost of risk management, funerals, media relations, post-event hotlines, and counseling. All of which are covered with an excellent active shooter insurance policy.
  • Property Damage Coverage — In the event of an active shooter incident, a building’s fire suppression systems can be activated, resulting in costly damage to computers, desks, carpeting, and more. A good active shooter insurance policy will cover property damage.  
  • Business Income Coverage — A mass shooting at a restaurant or nursing home can force a business to close for months or permanently. After the 2012 shooting at the Cinemark movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, the theater stayed closed for six months. Business interruption insurance would not cover this.  
  • Medical and Death Benefits — The trauma of an active shooter incident requires coverage that extends well beyond basic medical coverage. A proper Active Shooter Policy will help surviving beneficiaries with medical and funeral costs.

Looking for a comprehensive policy?

The toll of mass shootings in our country continues. It’s important to make sure the victims and organizations recover after an active shooter or workplace violence incident. Every organization should have the proper coverage to do so.

McGowan’s Active Shooter/Workplace Violence Insurance covers liability and extra expenses associated with these incidents. The program covers a wide range of attack-types and all classes of business. Learn more and contact us today.

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