What You Need to Know About Civil Unrest and Business Protection

civil unrest

Business owners in cities across the country face navigating the effects of a global pandemic and the uncertainty that it brings and continuing civil unrest. Throughout 2020, civil unrest has resulted in tens of millions in losses for businesses. From broken storefront windows to fires, the damage and losses have been debilitating for unprepared companies. […]

How AI Can Prevent Mass Shootings

woman and man looking at something on computer

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to grow in almost every aspect of business, including security systems that can detect mass shootings. AI is transforming surveillance cameras from static observers to active security personnel that can identify people, suspicious behavior, and weapons. Drones and robots are being used to announce threats and reduce response times. Machine learning algorithms analyze […]

Why Active Shooter Insurance is Important

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Active shooter/workplace violence insurance programs vary, but whichever policy you choose, it’s important to remember these policies represent more than just an extra budget item. The vital detail to keep in mind is that standard business liability coverage doesn’t provide adequate coverage for active shooter/workplace violence attacks. Many policies were created before the mass shooting […]

COVID-19: Understanding and Mitigating Workplace Violence

Woman with wallet wearing protective face mask and gloves to prevent viruses taking credit card back from cashier at cash register

Amid the chaos caused by the coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic, people find themselves under enormous strain and pressure. They are worried about the health and safety of themselves and family members. They are facing financial stress due to reduced hours at work or losing a job. And they are concerned about shortages of essential items […]

How Best to Protect Hospitals and Patients During an Active Shooter Incident

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During active shooter training, instructors teach several different response plans to equip healthcare employees with the tools necessary to act quickly and decisively during an active shooter incident. Let’s take a look at the challenges and appropriate responses to help protect you and your patients during an event.  Challenges hospitals face with active shooter incidents  The […]

The Challenges Hospitals Face with the Rise in Active Shooter Incidents

doctors and nurses running

With the increase in active shooter incidents across the U.S., hospitals have another vital role to play beyond their day-to-day responsibilities for the health and wellness of the community. Hospital administrators and staff members must also rise to the challenge of keeping patients, visitors, each other, and themselves safe amid growing threats of violence and […]